Since the turn of the year, all plastic packaging throughout Austria has been collected in yellow bags or garbage cans. Here’s how it works.
In the past, plastic packaging waste was collected differently in the respective federal states. As of January 1, there is a uniform recycling regulation throughout Austria. More plastic packaging waste may now go into the “yellow garbage can” or the “yellow bag.” An increase in the collection of at least 20 percent is expected.
The responsible MA 48 expects higher waste quantities in the yellow garbage cans, but the number of garbage cans will not be increased; they will be emptied more often. Those housing complexes that do not have their own will continue not to receive them. Residents must carry their collected manure to the nearest yellow garbage can a few apartment blocks away. Many yellow garbage cans have also been placed in front of supermarkets.
The yellow garbage cans are not changed, so the round insertion openings remain the same. The lid cannot be lifted. A big garbage bag does not fit through the openings; you have to open it and throw the pieces into the garbage can one by one.
MA 48 expects significantly more packaging waste in the yellow garbage cans in the future and wants to be well prepared. By modernizing the existing sorting facilities and building new ones, materials could be better separated and increasingly recycled.
The used materials collected in the yellow garbage can are transported to sorting facilities and separated into different materials in an automated process. The separation of plastic packaging is carried out, among other things, using near infrared.
The MA 48 wants to observe closely how the new regulation will be accepted in the following weeks. One refers to the fact that the garbage quantities become less again: In two years, there will be a deposit on plastic bottles and aluminum cans, which can then be returned to the supermarket.
To put it simply: all smaller packaging – except that made of glass or paper – will, from now on, end up in the yellow garbage can or yellow bag. In concrete terms, these are potato chips bags, yogurt pots, milk and juice cartons, plastic trays for fruit, vegetables, pet food or takeaway, packaging for sliced cheese or sausages, PET bottles (e.g. cola, mineral water), plastic bottles for personal hygiene products (such as shower gel) or washing and cleaning agent bottles.
Large plastic films or Styrofoam packagings, such as that used for furniture or televisions, should continue to be handed in at the garbage tip or recycling center. Smaller polystyrene packaging may be placed in the yellow garbage can or bag.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with the waste advisory service of your local municipality, the Vienna Dung Hotline (01/546 48) or the Waste Management Association.
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